"Carel, PA0CMU" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Vic,

It might be the powerline wiring from the on/off switch on the front panel to the connector on the rear panel. The 60 Hz /110V signal introduces a hum in the audio circuits.
We modified the PS-7 by mounting a switch on the frontpanel and disabled the original on/off switching. Due to that, the PA fan must be replaced too. We used a cheap 12V computer fan. Now you can use your TR7 with forced cooling in the field too!

73, Carel - PA0CMU.

Subject: [drakelist] TR-7 Receiver Noise
Date: Tue, 07 Dec 2004 16:04:27 +0000

[EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterence to the drakelist gang
I recently put a TR-7 on the air that I purchased several months ago. All is fine except that there is what I can best describe as a low frequency "rumble" noise that is most noticable when using headphones. It is very audible even with the RF gain set to max and the audio gain set to min. I have listed with another receiver and do not hear this noise, so I don't think I have any interference in the shack.
When tuning in signals, there does not appear to be any distortion, but the background noise is very noticable.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
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