I am attempting to bring back to a life an R4B with a botched electrolytic cap rebuild.  Whoever tried this unsoldered all the connections and with my limited ability I am struggling to put it all back correctly.  The cap is a 4 section with 3 100 uf and one 20 uf cap.  I need to know which wires go where.  There are caps  marked with one square, one half circle, and one triangle with the other terminal being unmarked.  The wires are white/purple, white, blue/white (2), and red/white (several).  In addition there is one 1000 ohm resistor.  I think I have everything nailed down except the one white wire which goes from one of the 100 uf caps to somewhere – that somewhere is unknown as the wire is completely unattached.


White/purple to 22 uf

Blue/white to 100 uf

Red/white to 100 uf

White to 100 uf but I don’t know where the other end terminates in the rig.

Resistor across white/purple and white/red


 I have been staring at the schematic and can’t figure it out. 



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