DW - PVC will work well.  You can do a simple insulation job by using the typical foam insulation sold at most Home Improvement stores - once you are done running the coax.  It will expand to fill the gaps and is easy to cut out later if you have to.  All of my Home AC, dryer vents, and Roof vents are sealed by this stuff.  It is also coax friendly.  Hope this helps.


DW Holtman wrote:
I have a couple of questions that I hope someone can help me with.
First, My new Shack is in a converted garage, with more space than I have ever had in the past. My question is, what is the best way to make a hole for coax/450 ohm ladder line  to leave the shack?  I just finished framing and thought about usiung PVC pipe. How would I insulate it? Is there a better way?
Second, there are two trees on my new QTH. They are around 60 feet apart (40 meter dipole). One is around 60 feet high, the other is maybe 30 feet (build a sloper). The 60 footer would be the highest antenna that I have ever had. I want to get one end of a dipole some where near the top. How do I get wire/rope that high? I have seen in the past a device that is a combination sling-shot/fishing reel. Are thay still available?
Any help would be great. Thank you in advance.
DW Holtman

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