I have an early L7 (serial 184) that does not have chimneys and uses 3-500Z's.  If you don't block the airflow in the rear, the fan doesn't hit high gear often.  I replaced the caps in the PS and placed a slow turning fan on top of it.  That should go a long way toward component lifetime.

Dennis AE6C

My L-7 came with chimneys and the seller made a big deal about telling me that they were included.  After looking things over, I realized that they were not helping anything due to the fan placement and the heat from the amp dripped appreciably when I removed them. They were almost touching eachother, too.  I am really surprised that I didn't melt the solder out of the pins. Guess he didn't use it much and I didn't either before removing the chimneys.  At least I have a pair of spares in case I get butterfingers when playing with the L-4B.
John,  W4AWM 
-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Cc: drakelist@www.zerobeat.net
Sent: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 23:03:01 -0500
Subject: RE: [drakelist] Drakes wanted

"Ron Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Are you sure the L7 had chimney's for the 3-500Z. I have a later version
which did not have then because the rear mounted fan blew air directly
across the tubes. I Know the L4B had chimneys, but the L7,???

Also, check out my TR7A article. I have a later release on my website with
lots of updated information. I'm not sure if the other sites having my
article have the latest version. Here is the link.

73, Ron / WB4HFN

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:59 PM
Cc: drakelist@www.zerobeat.net
Subject: Re: [drakelist] Drakes wanted

Hi Richard,

One thing you need to watch for when purchasing a TR-7A is that it is not
actually a TR-7 in disguise. For a period of time, Drake sold spare face
plates for the A model to anyone who wanted one. Many folks bought one to
"upgrade" their TR-7. Other than the face plate, there is no outward
difference in appearence between the 2 models on the front panel. There is
a small difference on the rear panel and several items were added inside
which were accessories on the A model. Here is a link to WB4HFNs page in
the Drake museum which will explain all this in detail: Click here: Page 1

Depending on where you get your TR-7A and the physical and electrical
coindition it is in, any additional filters and the PS-7 power supply, You
can xpect to pay anywhere from $800.00 up. Obviously, a rig that is not
pristine will sell for somewhat less, but frankly, a TR-7 is a much better
deal, especually if it has the NB-7 noise blanker installed. That and the AM
filter were the most expensive accessories.

The L-7 is a fine little amplifier, but be sure to get one that has the
original power supply if you can. The amps were shipped with either 3-400
or 3-500Z tubes. If you can find one with 3-500, they are the better
choice, but I would not turn down one with 3-400s at a slightly lower price.
If it has been well cared for, the amp is pretty bullet proof, as long as
the finals are in good shape. The original caps in the PS should be replaced
at some point for safety and the fusable resistor power rating should
increased. A replacement capacitor kit may be available from The Heathkit
Shop. Be sure that the glass chimneys are present. Here again, condition of
the rig and tubes go a long way in determining the price, but a bottom line
of 800 and up is reasonable.

If you find one and have it shipped, be prepared for sticker shock because
the PS weighs a ton! Have the seller remove the finals and chimneys and
package them separately and do not have them shipped in the same box with
the amp.
The tubes should preferably be shipped in a vertical configuration.

Hope this helps.


John, W4AWM

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