[EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, Karl Henrik Laache wrote:

> I'm not sure, but I think there is a difference between the chimneys for
> the 3-400 and 3-500 tubes.  The 500s are slightly higher than the 400s,
> and the chimneys for the 500s don't have the tapering at the top, where
> the chimneys for the 500s are cylindrical.

3-400Z chimneys are a half inch shorter than 3-500Z chimneys.  I have a
pair of 3-400Z chimneys for sale, btw.  Anyone interested, please email me
- I can send photos when I get home after work.

Eimac 3-400Z and 3-500Z chimneys have the tapered top to provide airflow
over the anode seal and heat dissipator.  3rd party chimneys have a
relatively small taper and don't do such a good job to cool the anode
seal.  Coleman lantern glass is cylindrical (has no tapered top) and is
useless to protect the anode seal.  Glass chimneys sold by Ameritron for
3-500Z tubes will not work with 3-400Z tubes in the Drake L-4 - they're
too tall.

You can get a rough idea of the form factor of the SK-416 inside my L4 by
viewing these links:


As discussed at length on the Amps mailing list, the chimney system used
in the Drake L-4/L-4B does a poor job of protecting tube life - the only
way to improve it without major modifications is to replace the stock fan
with one that provides increased air flow - but the bottom line is it
still doesn't provide a safe environment for exceeding the original
design: 1000W input for CW and 2000W input for SSB.

73 Jason N1SU
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