Hi all,

I am driving to Dayton from the Metropolitan DC area. I am willing to take a limited amount of equipment out for anyone needing it and can also bring some back for you in order to help defray gas expenses. You will not need to pack it, except for a box and enough packing to keep it from getting scratched. You will have to arrange to get it to my QTH in Burke,VA or I may be able to pick it up at your QTH for an additional charge.

One Way prices are: Speakers not larger than an R-42:   $20.00
                               Receivers similar in size to S-40:      25.00
                               Receivers similar in size to SX-101:   50.00
                               Transmitters similar to Apache:         50.00
                               30S-1                                              75.00
                               KWS-1 complete                            100.00
                               Drake 4 Line                                     20.00
                               Drake 4 Line with AC-3 or AC-4          25.00
                               Drake 7 Line                                     20.00
                               Drake 7 Line with PS-7                      30.00
                               Small accessories:                           10.00

Sorry but I cannot handle anything larger than the above items. I am driving a station wagon, nort a truck.

You will have to arrange with the party at Dayton to pick up the item at my flea market space or motel. I will arrive mid afternoon Thursday and leave at 10:00AM Sunday. Same arrangements for bringing items back. You will have to pick up the item here at my QTH of delivery to your QTH may be possible for an additional charge.

While I will do everything possible to take the same care of your equipment as I would mine, I cannot be responsible for fire, theft, accident or acts of God, so you will be responsible for insurance of you feel you need it.

Identification for delivered items to Dayton will be an email to the party with a copy to me. No equipment will be released in Dayton will be delivered without said email. If the pickup person does not have the email matching my copy, item will be brought back to DC and you will be charged for the round trip.

Please contact me directly    [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you are interested. First come, first served.


John,  W4AWM

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