
A new set of 12JB6's and three new cathode resistors and there be fire in the wire!!!

The transmitter now has about 175 watts output into a 50 ohm load (on 40 meters). The load control now seems to be "active" and loads up at between 3-5 on the scale..

I did not try other bands yet.

now... the only problem i still have is the S-meter being way to generous. And.. if I reduce the rf gain, the meter moves up, but pegs itself....

swapped out several tubes in that receiver and s-meter circuit, that did change things..but perhaps the tubes that made things change were no goo to begin with. one set had the s-meter working, but when you turned the gain down, the meter did not move at all...

Once i get the s-meter bug fixed, looks like a new front panel from tony and some other goodies... this guy is almost ready to go.


Mike Bryce, WB8VGE

 the heathkit shop

SunLight energy systems

J e e p

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