Thom R LaCosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
On Thu, 30 Nov 2006, W7DAH wrote:

Thom R LaCosta wrote:

If you don't like the things above, I will not be insulted if you
unsubscribe from the list.

I press "send"). I find all the eBay hub-bub to be just so much nonsense.

Apparently you never got burned by an Ebay seller, or by PyPal. Both have happened to me....the police took care of the seller, and I took PayPal all the way through all the appeals....and they lost when it got to the national Visa folks.

> And, if saying so gets me un-subscribed from ANY darn list, I doubt I'd > notice except fewer E-Mails to wade thru on a daily basis.

Did I say it would? I simply said that if you didn't the rules here YOU could unsubscribe....please read carefully.

As for "States Attorneys and Police" ... gimmie-a-break, no one cares.

That's not true....I have won cases that disprove what you say.

Please, someone "sue-me" for the 29 eBay transactions I've done on eBay
... I could use the money. eBay is sorta like Abortion ... if you don't
like 'em ... don't have one. Same for eBay, if you don't like it, don't
use it ... but, PLEASE all the threating tough-guys that talk a lot of
smack about eBay ... bring-it-on, I could use the diversion. Sheez.

I'll make a bargin with you....put something up on Ebay and commit fraud in terms of payment, item description, etc. I'll make sure that I am the high bidder....I guarentee you that someone will care.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring,
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