Keep an eye out for the Drake FS-4 (I think that's the designation).
That is the Drake manufactured synthesizer.  It matches the rigs and
comes up every once in a while on eBay.  They can be somewhat pricey,
but very cool.  I want to get one some day, and have been watching the
prices for a year or so.  They tend to bring about $450 or so.  I think
there is one listed as we speak/type.  73 and good luck.  WB9NJB

R. Hunter Ellington, Esq.

Gorrell  Giles PC
1331 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1000
Denver, Colorado 80202
(303) 996-6585 Direct
(303) 996-2680 Fax



On Behalf Of EP Swynar
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 10:34 AM
Subject: [drakelist] R-4 Series Crystal Alternatives

Good Afternoon All,
I'm curious about the experience of others in the matter of utilizing
possible "...substitutes" for the frequency band oscillator crystals ---
be they synthesizers, self-excited "analog" oscillators, whatever --- in
the R-4 series of receivers, to expand the frequency coverage of same...
To date, my research has come up with three different articles on the
subject, i.e.:
--- August 1972 HAM RADIO magazine ("Frequency Synthesizer for the Drake
--- May 1981 QST magazine ("General-Coverage Reception with the Drake
R-4C", and,
--- June 2004 April QST magazine ("Give that Drake Receiver a New Lease
on Life").
Of all these, the May '81 QST appears to be about the simplest to
construct, even though it uses a pair of the now relatively expensive
ECG222 (come NTE-222) dual-gate Mosfet transistors...but how in the
world does one attain (and maintain) solid, stable, & steady
crystal-like oscillation in a relatively simple Colpitts circuit, as
high as 40.8-MHz...?!
I'm putting out feelers at this time, because in three short days from
now, I shall be the proud owner of a pair of Drake Twins here...a
Christmas present that I am presenting to myself, just a few days ahead
of THE BIG DAY, Hi Hi.
Thanks in advance, & my vy
~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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