Larry Kirkland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
I have the R-4B and T-4xb here, also, that I traded for a year or so ago. I really enjoy using them.

Question: How high do you have to advance the transmitter gain control in order to get full output? Mine must be turned to about 4 o'clock which tells me that maybe the transmitter needs an alignment job, or I have some soft tubes.

Do you have the 30 meter crystal for your receiver? I get very little output on that band when transceiving. If I detune the receiver preamp I can get full output, but the receiver is not peaked up for 30 meters.
Thanks & Merry Christmas,
Larry W4LK

Ted Wright wrote:
Merry Christmas as well. I too own the twins r4b t4xb and they work just as well now as they did new . Great rigs to use on 160 I use them their the most ... Hope you get to use you pair just as much..
 Best 73 .
  Ted n3zrx

EP Swynar wrote:
Good Morning All,
Well, I spent the better part of the day yesterday retrieving a set of Drake Twins from a fellow Ham living some 2+ hours away from me (one way!)...was the drive worth the bother...? In a word, YES! My initial impression of the receiver (a "first generation" all-tube R-4) is VERY positive: I love the passband tuning feature, and that calibrated main tuning knob --- in 1-KHz markers --- is clever, and effective. It's also a very pleasing rig to the eye, and looks FB sitting next to its matching T-4X transmitter. I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind, that, had I known better back in 1983 --- when I stood " the crossroads" and took the quantum technological leap from my Heathkit SB-400 & Hallicrafters S-77A, to a brand new Yaesu FT-980 --- I would surely have shopped around for a good used set of Twins then... I was really racked with guilt about throwing my lot in with a microprocessed technology that the FT-980 presented, having had the ability of repairing anything & everything in my shack up to that time...and, like a fool, I did not even consider the possibilities of taking the Drake route, and instead, pondered the chances of buying a good, used Collins S-line, instead, back then. I ended-up passing the S-line by, because it did not incorporate 160-meters. Well, it took some 24 years, alright, but an old wrong has been righted at VE3CUI --- and I could not be happier with this self-presented Christmas gift, I can assure you! Merry Christmas to all, & my vy ~73!~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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