I'm restoring a TR-3 transceiver.  I've cleaned it up, tested the tubes, and 
carefully cleaned the switch and relay contacts.  I find that I'm able to get 
about 100 watts CW on both the 80 and 20 meter band.  The receiver seems to 
work fine for these two bands.   The other bands are very weak.  In fact, I get 
nothing out on 40 meters and only about 1 watt max on the other bands.  I 
suspect the crystal oscillator.  I replaced the 6EA8 tube, things improved very 
slightly on 15 and 10, but still no power out on 40.  There is a test point 
available on tube V1a.  I put a scope probe on the test point, but I don't see 
a signal.  Well, I see just some 60 cycle ripple on 40 meters.  On the other 
bands, there may be a very small oscillation superimposed on that, but I can't 
tell.   If I put the probe near the tube, I pick up what looks like an HF 
oscillation on 10 and 15 meters.  

Does anyone know what the signal on this test point should look like?

On receive, the 80 and 20 meter bands appear good.  I can receive strong 
stations on the 40 and 15 meter bands, but I think the receiver is partially 
deaf.  I don't know how good the 10 meter band is.  There isn't much activity 
on that and these days.  I suspect the 40m crystal, but if it were bad, I would 
expect it to be totally deaf on 40m.  I thought perhaps something might be 
wrong with the band switch, but I've cleaned it up pretty well.

Any suggestions on how to proceed troubleshooting the transmitter?

The rig came with a Collins hand mic.  I find that I get poor audio when 
transmitting SSB (on the two good bands).  I get a only a few watts out in SSB. 
 I suspect that the mic impedance is wrong.  There's a transformer in the mic.  
The element measures 4 ohms.  I could possibly change the transformer or 
increase the mic gain.  I'm reluctant to change the mic gain, but I think I 
could lower R94 to boost the signal.   Anyone know what they put in these 
things for a transformer?  

Rich KE1EV

--- Begin Message ---
    Just a report on an experiment tried on a Drake TR-3. I restored an early TR-3 that had the "Soup Can" 9.0 Mhz IF filter pair. The TR-3 was in very nice condition and I plan on actively using it. I like the higher quality 8 pole filters and had found a LSB / USB pair that came out of a Harris military transceiver.There were 2.8 Khz. wide, 8 pole, 400 ohm impedance compact PC mount filters.
    There will be plenty of room for this assembly, the only thing that is tight is there is just barely enough height for the 1-3/4" perf board.  
    Here is how I installed them in the TR-3:
        1. I removed the "Soup Can" filter assembly, unsoldered the case, opened case so that I could unsolder the two pilot lamp switching wires from switch assembly. Note where these two wires go, they will be re-soldered later.
        2. Unsolder the 3 cond wire going to each filter matching transformer.
        3. I used the existing switch the "Soup Can" filter was built upon. The LSB filter is the bottom four crystals, top four crystals are USB filter when you have the assembly laying on bench with shaft towards you and the longer 3-cond cable to the left, just as it would be in the radio when radio is laying on bench upside down with front panel toward you.
        4.  On the rear switch deck note the switch terminals {they are across drom each other 180 degrees} the red wire in each 3 cond pair is soldered to - this is the in / out hot connection for the assembly ( I call "red wire terminal"). Unsolder the red, black and shield (bare) wires of each 3 cond. cable.
        5. On the rear switch deck note the switch contacts above / below  the ones the red wire were soldered to. (These are the contacts that will be used to wire the new filters to.) There will be crystals soldered to them. There will be crystals soldered to the inner switch deck. Unsolder all crystals and capacitors, but do not disturb switch in any other way.
        6. Use a 1-3/4" square piece of perf board with copper PC pads on .1" centers, such as the Radio Shack #276-148 PC board. Place Harris filters on side of board without copper pads, the filters terminals will line up and go through perf board. Place LSB filter on bottom. The two filters will take up nearly all of the perf board. Note the two ground pins of each filter. I soldered a ground bus wire across board for each filters ground pin pair.
        7. Using short pieces of bus wire solder one to each filter hot pin (4 total). Bend these bus wires so that this perf board assembly can be brought up within about 1/2" of rear switch deck.
        8. Solder the two leads for LSB filter to the rear switch section contacts : One filter lead goes to switch contact under the red wire terminal on one side and to same terminal on other side of switch.
        9. Solder the two leads for USB filter to the rear switch contacts : One filter lead goes to switch contact above the red wire terminal on one side and to same terminal on other side of switch. 
        10. Install 2 bus wires going from ground bus of LSB filter (one at each end of filter) PC board to switch frame, solder to frame as Drake did.
        11. Repeat this for the USB filter.
        12. Prepare two lenghts of RG174 ( I used Teflon type) to replace the 3 cond cable assemblies.
        13. Solder the center cond of each coax to corresponding red wire terminal, coax braid to switch frame.
        14. Install a 100 pF. trimmer from each coax center conductor to ground at switch assembly. This will be 2 trimmers total, one on each side of switch.
        15. Install the assembly in radio. Reconnect RG174 coax to filter matching transformers. Do not use center pin of either transformer, solder braid to the transformer pin nearest rear panel on each transformer, center cond to pin nearest front panel.
        16. Reconnect the two pilot lamp switching wires to switch terminals.
        16. Double check your work, then power up radio. Do a quick chech using calib to make sure each filter is working OK. If so, allow radio to warm up good.
        17. Center the 9.0 Mhz osc between two filters. I spend a little time with this trying to get pitch of sound as close as possible on each filter. I noticed this filter pair seemed "closer", in that I could get nearly identical pitch on each filter.
        17. Do the filter matching alignment and peak the 100 pF.trimmers, repeat this once to make sure.
                I have seen  TR-4's from factory with "Soup Can". I was very pleased with the performance of Harris filters. They are pretty tight on skirts and with the 2.8 Khz BW sound good. I hope I have helped here, 73 from a fellow Drake fan. CUL, Byron WA5THJ.  

--- End Message ---

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