"Mike Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
That is one heck of a crystal pack!  Nice work.....

73 de W4DL    Mike
Pompano Beach, FL USA

----- Original Message ----- From: "EP Swynar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 1:45 PM
Subject: [drakelist] What I Did With My Free Time Last Week...

"EP Swynar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Good Afternoon,All,

If you want to have a peak at what may surely prove to be "...the smile of
the day" for many of you, please click onto the following web site...

http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/?saved=1

Now, after having seen my handiwork therein --- and before you go laughing
out TOO loudly! --- be advised that there IS method to my madness, as I
shall endaevour to explain.

Someone, sometime ago on this Reflector, proposed building an outboard
accessory crystal selector for use with the R-4 series of receiver, in order
to enhance its "frequency agility": after giving this notion some thought
here, I came to the conclusion that the idea certainly had merit. An extra
"peripheral" switching arrangement like this would dramatically reduce the
wear & tear of the normal crystal select switch on the R-4. Additionally --- a HUGE plus, IMHO --- an add-on switch would afford one the "luxury" of having far more than just the usual ten positions that come "stock" with the

The more crystals, the more the SWL'ing possibilities with the rig...!

A quick audit of the junque box here revealed that I had a near bag full of
HC-6/U crystal sockets, half of an aluminum "handy case", as well as a
2-pole / SIXTEEN-position(!) rotary switch (really two separate single-pole / 16-throw wafers, mounted on a single shaft). Combined with a single-pole / double-throw toggle switch, I had all I needed for the addition / inclusion
of an outboard extra THIRTY- TWO crystals for use with my venerable R-4

I use low-C RG-62 coaxial cable to connect the switch assembly to crystal
socket #1 at the back of the rig; the "plug" at the end of this cable is
little more than the salvaged "innards" of a defunct HC-6/U crystal.

Best of all, the doggone thing works --- and it works quite well (doesn't
look too bad mounted alongside the rig, too, IMHO!).

I've been soliciting Hams for any & all excess unused HC-6/U crystals that
they might have available for swapping purposes, and have had a very nice
response from a LOT of helpful Amateurs. Of course, hardly any of the
frequencies that I've collected here end in "0.6", or "0.1", as the R-4
prefers to see --- but this is little hardship, considering that I can at
least listen to different parts of the spectrum whilst working on other
things in the shack, that I might otherwise not have been able to do before.
It's not perfect, but neither was it meant to be.

I continue to be on the look-out for any & all potential new additions to
the "rock collection", such that I might eventually have near-complete
coverage of all of the popular SWL BC bands, as well as other segments of HF
spectrum that are of interest.

I have many crystals that are excess to my needs here in this regard, and
I'd be more than happy to engage in a possible trade with you, if such a
swap might be of mutual benefit...just let me know what you have there, and
what you're looking for, with my thanks in advance...!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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