Darrell Bellerive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
What lubricants do you use for the ball bearings, sleeve bearings, and other 
moving parts.

I see in the archives that lithium grease is popular and Tri-Flow teflon 
Superior Lubricant has been used.

I would like to lube the following parts:

1) Preselector shaft and ball bearings. I am a bit scared of this one as it 
incorporates a reduction drive and I am afraid that changing the friction may 
affect the reduction drive.

2) Main tuning capacitor ball bearings.

3) The two plastic wheels at the top of the dial string pointer mechanism.

4) The dial pointer.

5) The main tuning shaft. I will also experiment with slightly thicker washers 
to see if I can eliminate the fore and aft play. Perhaps a felt washer may do 
the trick.

6) The detent at the rear of the bandswitch.

7) The passband tuning control shafts. This one looks difficult.

I will clean the bandswitch contacts with a foam swab and deoxit, and spray 
the pots and slide switches with deoxit. I will make note of the position of 
the pots before spraying them and return them to their original position. I 
do plan on doing an alignment and fine tuning them then.

Anyone successful at cleaning the bandwidth rotary switch contacts? They 
appear to be completely hidden.

Any tips, tricks, suggestions, or cautions on the above?

For those of you getting tired of my many posts, this is the end of my weekend 
as I get Wednesday and Thursday off, so there won't be as many posts for the 
next 5 days. :-)

Thanks to everyone who has offered advice and encouragement. It is much 

73, Darrell VA7TO

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations VA7TO and VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada

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