I just received a TR3 in excellent condition and was in the process of 
troubleshooting looking for potential problems. All was well when after about 
30 minutes it lost all sound on receive and the S meter pegged at over 60 on 
the right side of the scale when the Function control is set to SSB (It is 
slightly less on X-CW and X-AM). I had successfully completed a Bias adjustment 
and tune-up on the 20 meter band. It was (and is) connected to my antenna 
system. I had also finished the Carrier Balance Control Adjustment when the 
sound through the speaker dropped off suddenly and the meter pegged.

I went through the tubes, substituting one by one. No change. I suspect one or 
more of the capacitors have failed. Before I start swapping them out, am I on 
the right track or what?

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