I think you need an additional opinion on this! First, the QST article is a very poor condensed version of the DK4DDS (PA1HFO) mods that have been floating around for a few years now. For some inexplicable reason, many of his solutions were left completely out of the article (e.g. solution for power output not flat, and solution for low sensitivity on the higher bands. ) I don't think it's worth all the work to install all of the mods shown in the article, but the ones NOT shown are interesting.

The sensitivity of the TR7 is certainly lacking on the higher bands and a good preamp is a great addition and doesn't require any metal work. I bought one of the DF4NW preamps and you can turn it on/off by using one of the TR7 front panel pushbuttons that's very rarely used for its original purpose.

The other DK4DDS mod I found interesting (not in the QST article) was the PIN diode attenuator board that allows you to set the drive control to the same position and get the same output on all bands. If you operate CW with your TR7, you might also want to look into the key click mod (see the WB4HFN site for that).

I just checked the magazine, and see that they left out the PTO stabilizer mod as well. That one can be added without extending the cabinet in any way and is documented on the Web. Personally, I prefered to address that problem with an outboard DDS VFO which has served me quite well for a while now.

73, Floyd - K8AC

----- Original Message ----- From: "DW Holtman" <tubest...@comcast.net>
To: "Drakelist" <drakelist@zerobeat.net>
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 4:51 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] Article in April 2009 QST


Did anyone read the article on modernizing a TR-7 by DK4DDS. It has information on adding a ton of features, such as DSP Noise reduction, curing the PTO Drift, Notch Filter, Improving the sensevity on the higher bands, Speech Processor and a bunch of others. It is some great food for thought, for bringing a great radio into the 21st Century.

Great Stuff. I'm thinking very hard about trying most of them out. Most of them do not require modifing the original Circuit boards, just adding boards. If anybody had some comments/information on these mods, I sure would be interested.

DW Holtman

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