I've replaced the audio output device in a couple of 2C's with the NTE175 and had NO oscillation problems.

73, Joe Pyles KC9LAD

At 11:35 PM 7/10/2009, you wrote:
I do NOT recommend the NTE175. It is high speed high voltage switching transistor. Because it is a double-diffused device about 50 times faster than the original part, the circuit may oscillate.

Dennis AE6C

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 3:57 AM, Joe Pyles <<mailto:epy...@indy.rr.com>epy...@indy.rr.com> wrote:
NTE175 is listed as replacement.

73, Joe Pyles KC9LAD

At 09:27 AM 7/8/2009, you wrote:
Hi folks,

I am in the need to change the output audio transistor 40310 in my
drake 2-C. Is there a modern equivalent of the 40310 so I can easily
replace it?



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