Hello, all. I am new to the Drakelist but have been an owner of one or more 
pieces of RL Drake equipment since 1963. My R-4 is serial number 0065 but I 
redesigned and solid stated it over the course of many years.
My question pertains to a T-4XC (s/n 25745) and MS-4 (w/AC-4) that purchased at 
a recent hamfest (for a very good price): Did RL Drake ever ship any radios or 
accessories in the 4-line with a semiflat black crinkle-like finish? That is 
the finish on the cabinets of the T-4XC and MS-4, not the "splotchy" semiflat 
black of my other T-4XC and R-4C. The finish looks very professional if it was 
done aftermarket.
Thank you to all who post to the Drakelist the myriad of suggestions for 
repairing and maintaining these wonderful pieces of equipment. This particular 
T-4XC had low power output, ~50 W, and a different setof 6JB6s brought it up to 
Bob K9JU
Streamwood, IL
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