Gary is correct, the blue-green color has been the same from the first R-4 through the R-4C series. The closest color I have found is Lee Lighting #172 gel, used for coloring theater lighting. It is available from theater supply stores for $5 or so for a 2' square piece. It's a little thinner than the original material, but is an identical color match and the thickness differential is not a problem in practice.

The green becomes more dominant when the blue fades a little, the white paint on the "reflector" housing yellows with age, and the white light diffuser also yellows with age, resulting in a green appearance. Repainting the inside of the housing with a flat white paint helps, but the diffuser is the primary contributor. I have found the plastic used for the diffuser, it's the plastic used for lighted panels in soft drink machines, etc. The problem is that it's much thicker than the original, although the light transmission is almost the same. I haven't actually measured the additional "loss" of the thicker material, and it may not be a problem, but my summer was disrupted and I didn't get the chance to work it out. The material is available in thinner forms, but in those thicknesses it comes in like a 3000' roll for large dollars. I have a 2' x 4' sheet of the thicker stuff which cost about $20 retail from a sign shop. Hopefully now that I'm home I'll get the chance to pursue this avenue!

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 4-B, C-Line & TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Curt Nixon wrote:
I'll have to see if I can find some pix of mine when they were new. Mine is as you describe with the meters looking white and the dials green. And the filter material appears blue from the back. I very clearly rmember it as being green when new however--maybe I'm finally losing it ;)

Wish I had a dollar for every mile I have spun the tuning dials on this pair! Still working well and getting great on-air reports. JUST replaced the original finals a couple months ago. The old ones still worked just a little soft.


Gary Poland wrote:
Best of my knowledge Drake always used blue filter material. As most of use has witnessed over the years with age the blue filter material would fade in the area of the #47 lamp and the white plastic dial background would yellow. The result was a green colored dial background. The S meter would appear as no filter was installed at all because of the fading, just colorless lamp light. 73, Gary W8PU <>

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