Karl -

Three things. One, the IF must be aligned properly, i.e., on frequency. Two, NOTCH is VERY narrow. It's easy to go right past it if you turn the knob too fast. Three, the NOTCH ADJUST control on the right side of the chassis must be adjusted as well. These two must be adjusted alternately for the best notch.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 4-B, C-Line&  TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Karl Henrik Laache wrote:


My R-4A project is puzzling me. It sounds ok, but when I go through the adjustment procedure I’m puzzled. The book says thet the tuning of T7 andT10 is quite broad. For sure, I can’t get a maximum at all. And the notch will not work. There is absolutely no response to any setting of the notch controls. I have tried to replace the tubes with known good ones – no difference. I have measured the notch coil, seems good (only ohms resistance). I have not tried to adjust the core of the notch control for fear of doing something wrong. It would be very strange if it should be out of tune.

Where should I start?

73s de Karl LA1CU


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