Hi Guys,

About a month ago I was in a CW QSO using my C-line twins. While transmitting I was getting a little long winded, nothing outrageous, my transmission lasted maybe 1.5 minutes at the most when a quite visible puff of smoke arose from the T-4XC and the panel lights went out. Every thing was dead. I have been fairly busy lately and only now have I had a chance to try and figure out what happened. I opened up the T-4XC and did a visual check top and bottom and could find no discolored or burnt components. I checked the AC-4 and the main fuse (5 amp slo blo) was blown. I replaced the fuse and checked the power supply voltages everything was fine. I put the transmitter on a dummy load and it loads up fine. The power out seems a little light. It seems like I need an awful lot of plate current (nearly 400ma) to get over 100 watts on 40 meters. I didn't keep it at that plate current for very long. I did notice that the neutralization is off a bit. I guess I should do a voltage check and a complete alignment as it hasn't been done in a while. But I am not sure where to start looking for the origin of the smoke. Any ideas as to where I should start looking?

Thanks in advance,

Bob  K6GGO

P.S. the 15 ohm cathode resistors are fine

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