    I hit a snag in checking out a Drake R-4A, one of the 13 tube versions. It 
works but is not quite right in my opinion. After doing resistance checks, and 
not seeing anything way off, I thought I would check voltages next. For V-3, 
the 12BE6 converter, in the manual for pin #1 it shows -11.5 VDC as the 
normal voltage reading. I show a little less than -0.05 VDC. Pin #1 of this 
tube has the 5645 Khz. crystal and capacitive divider connected to it. The 
converter tube is working, would the lack of negative bias being developed be a 
function of the crystal activity? I tried several good 12BE6 tubes with same 
results. The rest of the volttages on this tube check reasonably close to what 
the manual says.
    I thought I would ask if this is something I should pursue further, or not 
worry about it since the converter is working, however the receiver is low on 
Thanks, Byron WA5THJ
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