I can endorse the Panasonic Panaflo series.  It is not only a quality fan,
it is relatively quiet.

Dennis AE6C

On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Jim Shorney <jshor...@inebraska.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 17 Jul 2010 09:16:50 -0500, Don Cunningham wrote:
> >Evan,
> >Would you share the make and model of the fans that work so well for you??
>  Sounds like something I need to do here.
> Well, I'm not Evan, but I will share what I am doing with my L-4PS. The
> larger
> the fan, the slower (and quieter) it needs to run to move a certain amount
> of
> air. Or, the more volume it will move for a given speed.  I have a pair of
> ebm-papst 12 volt fans pulled from server computers, model 4412 F / 2M.
> They
> are about 4.75 inches (120mm) in size, and I run the two in series from a
> 12
> volt power source, pulling air OUT on top of the PS. They seem to work very
> well, and I can't hear them running when I am sitting practically right on
> top
> of the PS. I have to check with my hand to feel the air to make sure they
> are
> running. They can be "mounted" as Evan describes, or some thin stick-on
> weather
> stripping material can be cut into small strips and affixed to the fans. I
> currently have mine just sitting there with nothing between the fan and the
> PS,
> they are so lightweight and made of plastic that they don't scuff.
> What is probably more important here than the type of fan is the quality.
> Avoid
> cheap sleeve-bearing PC fans like the plague, they will die on you.
> Guaranteed.
> The ebm-papst seem to be a decent product. Panasonic Panaflo fans are
> excellent, they seem to go forever. Be cautious of PC fans labeled as "ball
> bearing", some of the small ones that I have taken apart have a ball
> bearing at
> one end of the impeller shaft, and a sleeve bearing at the other. I don't
> see
> this as an improvement. The new Sunon "Maglev" design looks interesting and
> seems to have better longevity, but they haven't been around long enough to
> make an accurate judgement.
> And remember to clean the blades once in a while, a little dust can reduce
> the
> airflow by a surprising amount.
> I'm sure Evan will have some great recommendations as well!
> 73
> -Jim
> --
> Ham Radio NU0C
> Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.S.A.
> TR7/RV7/R7A/L7, TR6/RV6, T4XC/R4C/L4B, NCL2000, SB104A, R390A,
> GT550A/RV550A, HyGain 3750, IBM PS/2 - all vintage, all the time!
> "Give a man a URL, and he will learn for an hour; teach him to Google, and
> he will learn for a lifetime."
> HyGain 3750 User's Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HyGain_3750/
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