Fellow Drake Enthusiasts,

Thanks for all the emails with your comments.  Yes, it seems like window AC 
filter material might be a good choice for a fan filter.  Too, many surplus 
electronic houses sell the filter screen for various size fans.

Did some experimenting and decided on a design change and process change as 
well.  I no longer will be using G10 or epoxy fiberglass PC board material; 
several reasons for that.  As far as cutting phenolic board with a table saw, 
my experiences were not favorable.  Yes, it is possible to cut that phenolic 
but the process is too "demanding" and unsafe for my taste.  The phenolic has 
to be fed very slowly yet firmly into the table saw.  Because of how brittle 
the phenolic is, the anti-kickback safety device basically doesn't grab, thus 
affording no protection.  If there is the slightest amount of binding, 
misfeeding with an ever so slight angle to the blade, etc. one or two things 
happen.  One, the phenolic will split to varying degrees, and two, one of the 
two pieces will go sailing in the direction of the operator.

Hence, with a design change, I'm using angle aluminum stock and as for the 
phenolic, a hacksaw does a great job in just a few minutes with none of the 
problems cited above.

When done, I'm going to document this project, possibly in one of the ham 
magazines, possibly online, etc.

Enjoy those Drakes.


Evan, K9SQG

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