On Oct 2, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Edward Swynar wrote:

> All this talk about the R-4A, R-4B, & R-4C receivers has me wondering if I
> might really & truly have the ONLY plain-Jane R-4 (no letters) in
> existance...! Hi Hi
> Seriously, I know that's NOT the case, but it sure does seem by times that
> the original R-4 is the "poor cousin" of the whole family of Drake "R"
> series of receivers...
> Personally, I like my R-4, and I like it a lot. Are there any others out
> there still in use...?

I have one. Given to me by my grandfather (ex-WA8PYR, WD4ANZ, now SK) along 
with an original T-4X, R-4 and AC-4 when I got my ticket in 1980. He was the 
first owner; I'm the second.

Great radios....

Tom Swisher, WA8PYR

 "A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their 
own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of 
labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." - Thomas 

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