I have been reading all of the posts in the new Drake archive and the old Drake 
archive trying to learn as much as I can about my TR4.  To you old pros this 
will be a rookie question, but I am of the belief that if you don't ask you 
don't learn.  Okay I have read where it has been said that you can use a couple 
of different ways to set C130 correctly.  One being use a digital receiver and 
listening for the matching null and the one that I want to ask about is using a 
scope to adjust them.  Where will the scope probe be connected to read this 
information or is it indirectly connected with a loop of wire around the 
oscillator tube to see the nulls.

I got the Great service CD and I love it and will be going through it and 
digesting all I can.

Kevin _ KG0MN

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