The truth be known, IMHO, If I just had the Sherwood R-4C, T-4XC, L-4B and MN2700...and sold everything else..I could get by quite nicely!
OMG...I would be back in 1974

I have a Collins S line and KWM2, 30-L1
A Hallicrafters SX-115/Ht32B
A Hallicrafters SX-117/HT44
and a TT Orion II and Alpha 91b
I do enjoy them all at times.

Considering everything...may favorites are the C line and Orion II.
The C line will do all most ever need..but the OII is nice for a lot of reasons too.

How many radios can you operate at once anyways!

Maybe time to sell some stuff.


Lee Simmonds
Summit DCS LLC
260-799-4077 Office
260-403-6936 Cell

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Shorney <>
To: drakelist <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 2, 2011 8:32 pm
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] R-4C Noise Blankers, Dynamic Range & roofing filter mod's

On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 10:01:33 -0800, Don Jones wrote:

Basically all you get is the receiver
performance from a FT101B/E, the only advantage R-4C has is the
passband (IF
Shift) tuning.

Yaesus give me headaches, Drakes do not. That's my main "performace" criterion.



Ham Radio NU0C
Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.S.A.
TR7/RV7/R7A/L7, TR6/RV6, T4XC/R4C/L4B, NCL2000, SB104A, R390A, GT550A/RV550A,
HyGain 3750, IBM PS/2 - all vintage, all the time!

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will learn for a lifetime."

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