IMHO, the only thing that is better than what Don describes is the R-4C as he describes BUT.......use a Timewave 599ZX with a pair of noise canceling earphones (the Bose are expensive, but
quite comfortable).
The Timewave has a superior audio amp and I set up the filter as a bandpass with the low end at ~300 Hz and the high end at 1,500 Hz. This helps with the low end "rumble" and the high end atmosphere noise and makes the radio even more enjoyable. I rarely use the other features of the DSP filter, but on occasion, the "Random" function does help. Only on few occasions do I use the CW function of the DSP. It does help also, but for the most part, the R-4C audio into the DSP filter is "clean". I have recently aligned my R-4C and used the headphone jack with out the Timewave and again realized what a huge difference it makes. The DSP filter is not low cost, but I got it 10 years ago and it is still a viable solution. I am sure that there are lower cost filters out there, but can not attest to the audio amps on them. One of the cost drivers of the 599ZX is the ability to go to 5 kHz as the upper cut off frequency. This compares to others that have a cut off at 3 kHz or so. For amateur radio, the 3 kHz is fine, but I also use the 599ZX with
my Drake R-8B for BCBDX and Beacons.

Orange, CA


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2011 08:51:43 -0800
From: "Don Jones" <>
To: <>
Subject: [Drakelist] My Drake/Sherwood R-4C Rules my shack! Message-ID: <000c01cbc554$f890e040$e9b2a0c0$@net> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Like some of you here, I have been working very hard to get into the log of the DX-pedition to the South Orkney Islands. My favorite band/mode has always been 40M CW. Last night I finally got my contact with them. Considering I am only running 600W to a 20M double zepp from W. WA it has
been a bit of a chore.
My fully loaded "Sherwood R-4C smoked my Ten Tec OMNI 6+ (which has a full load to TT filters and the INRAD CW roofing filter mod) last night. On the Drake VP8ORK was only a 529 using GUF 600Hz roofing filter and the DRAKE OEM 250Hz cw filter with no ringing filters or white noise. One the OMNI VI+ VP8ORK was only 229 due to the receiver white noise and the howling DSP noise. It is absolutely amazing to hear the difference of the two receivers. I do prefer the digital control that the "6" offers, but if you can't hear 'em you ain't going to work 'em. A trip down to Fry's electronics for a 4PDT 12V relay, a 3 pos double pole rotary wafer switch, a bud box and 6 RCA jack and 3 1/8" headphone jacks is on the agenda next so I have TR switching for the R-4C, then it is good to go for the TJ8 DX-pedition coming up next.
God I Love that Sherwood R-4C.
Don Jones KO7i
Arlington, WA

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