If I may add...Yes International has excellant service, seems they get the crystal 'ON' and they charge only $20.95 each...takes about 2 weeks to get them after ordering. I have got some used ones...paid $12.00 - $20.00 and they were OFF frequency more than I like...FWIW.
So, new for me unless I know the guy and he says they are 'ON'


-----Original Message-----
From: Garey Barrell <k4...@mindspring.com>
To: Drakelist Post <drakelist@zerobeat.net>
Sent: Sat, Apr 9, 2011 5:56 pm
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Crystals for 30 - 17 -12 meters

Bill -

Transceive operation is great for SSB.  For CW, not so much.

One problem with the B Line and transceive is that it requires the
'Transceive Align' procedure be performed fairly regularly.  Less so if
the receiver and transmitter have the color coded crystals, AND they are
both the same color.  IF your rig is in a fairly well temperature
controlled environment, and is allowed to warm up before use, the B-Line
works quite well.  Especially nowadays when most are using transceivers
with RIT capabilities.  I would say that 'most' SSB operation today is
done in transceive, with of course the exception of split DX pileups.

CW is a different story, as there is no 'right' frequency for a CW
signal. Everyone likes a slightly different tone, and some even like to
change the tone occasionally.  So if you like 400 Hz and the other guy
likes 600 Hz, AND neither uses RIT, they'll chase each other up and down the band retuning for their preferred tone. Separate operation works so
much better, it only takes a second to SPOT and then you are free to
move the receiver as you like.

The best crystal supplier is International Crystal Mfg, (405) 236-3741
or www.icmfg.com.  The owner is a ham, they've been making crystals
'forever', and all you have to tell them is the band and model radio you
want them for.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Bill Ellis wrote:
Are most of you who have the B-line transceiving with the T-4XB or
R-4B or are you getting separate xtals for each? Also, do you know of
any good sources for crystals?
Thanks & 73's
Bill, WB9CAC

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