My first receiver was a used Hallicrafters SX-140. I did not have a
manual with it, and it was many, many years after I sold it that I
realized it had a regenerative detector.

My recollections of it were of very poor selectivity. Perhaps this is
just due to my not knowing how to adjust the regenerative knob properly.
It was labeled Selectivity/BFO so I always figured straight up for CW, a
bit left for LSB and a bit to the right for USB. Funny thinking about it
know, but I was 15 years old and studying for my licence at the time.
Once I got my licence I upgraded to an Heathkit SB-101.

A couple of times now I have almost bought another SX-140 just to try it
out with the proper use of that selectivity/BFO control and see if it
really was as bad as I remember or if it was just me.

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Station VA7TO

On 06/17/11 07:33, wrote:
> Interesting conversation!
> 3) Halli's...just fun to use and performance is really goos as
> well...better than most may think/remember
> 73,
> Lee, KC9CDT

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