I was first licensed in 1953 at the age of 13.  My first rig was a  home 
brew pair of 6L6s in PP mode.  Built on 2 steel chassis made up od  heat duct 
material by a local heating company.  The local radio supplier  was out of 8 
X 12 X 3 inch chassis and I couldn't wait. As stated, there  were 2 
chassis, one mounted atop the other, separates by Erector Set angle  brackets. 
anyone has any parts of that set which is easily identifiable by  the 
chassis, I'd pay well to get them back. They were sold at a Shelby Hamfest  in 
early 1960s. I currently have the parts to reproduce that rig, including  
the NOD power tranny and choke. All I need is the time.  I only had 2  rocks, 
3700 and 3535.  The 3700 must have had a positive temperature  coefficient 
or I was just lucky because I never got cited for off frequency  operation. 
Across the street lived Retired Army Colonel Stanley, Saulnier,  W4VG, who I 
was sure had a red phone connection directly to the  FCC. Needless to sat, 
evert time I touched the key, it got logged. He  was not friendly to young 
hams, that is, until I enlisted in the Air Force. His  attitute suddenly 
turned very positive.
I used an S-77 receiver and a Windom antenna.
Later upgraded to a Viking II and VFO which I built from the kit. The  
receiver was upgraded to an S-76 purloined from my OM who was using it for  
SWLing. The Viking II kit was a neat story, The local radio supply store owner  
opened the store on a Sunday just to sell me the kit. I had borrowed the 
money  from my Grandmother who also helped me learn code. Those sure were the 
good old  days! My main Elmer was Cash Gregg, W4DPF with Rudy Gibbs, W4HX and 
Charlie  Sumner, W4EJ as backups...
John,  W4AWM
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