My observations on the TR7's PTO is that if the ambient room temperature is 
around 70 F, the PTO is quite stable after initial warm up.  If on the other 
hand the house temperature is something other than 70 F the thing wants to go 
all over the place and never really settles down. Oh, I do have the FA-7, and 
it was used during the above observations.

The X-lock was the absolute best time and $$ investment that I put into my TR7.


--- On Sun, 7/24/11, Jim Shorney <jshor...@inebraska.com> wrote:

> From: Jim Shorney <jshor...@inebraska.com>
> Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Yet another Drake TR7 X-Lock Implementation
> To: "drakelist@zerobeat.net" <drakelist@zerobeat.net>
> Date: Sunday, July 24, 2011, 1:42 PM
> On Sun, 24 Jul 2011 11:28:34 -0400,
> Curt Nixon wrote:
> >The TR-7 is not as good.  I might re-direct the
> x-lock to the TR-7 this 
> >winter.  I also really like the meter
> treatment.  Nice write-up, thanks.
> I think the TR-7 is more prone to thermal drift from
> temperature variations
> over transmit-receive cycles. My tests have shown that
> adding an FA-7 (or
> equivalent) fan, properly oriented to pull air out of the
> radio, helps with
> this. Running on an RV-7 also helps. My TR-7 drifted more
> than it should have
> before I opened up the PTO and checked things over in
> there. It's been long
> enough ago that I don't remember, but I imagine I probably
> touched up some
> solder joints. I'm really picky that way... :)
> 73
> -Jim
> --
> Ham Radio NU0C
> Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.S.A.
> TR7/RV7/R7A/L7, TR6/RV6, T4XC/R4C/L4B, NCL2000, SB104A,
> R390A, GT550A/RV550A, HyGain 3750, IBM PS/2 - all vintage,
> all the time!
> "Give a man a URL, and he will learn for an hour; teach him
> to Google, and he will learn for a lifetime."
> HyGain 3750 User's Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HyGain_3750/
> http://incolor.inetnebr.com/jshorney
> http://www.nebraskaghosts.org
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