On 2011-09-23, at 9:46 AM, Garey Barrell wrote:

> Eddy -
> I 'think' you're barking up the wrong tree unless you have already replaced 
> the two 45 pF cap.   If the frequency of the PTO shifts several kHz or tens 
> of kHz, that small, (probably less than 10% of the total resonating 
> capacitance,) isn't likely to correct it.

Hi Garey,

I guess I have no choice now but to completely remove the T-4X PTO from its 
"moorings" & to wholesale REPLACE all of the silver mica caps that I might see 
soldered to the underside of the circuit board...! (with the singular 
exception, of course, of C89 on the reverse side---the 3000-pfd. unit---which I 
replaced some time ago)...

This morning I was engaged in a what was shaping-up to be a most enjoyable CW 
QSO at the bottom end of 40-meters, when right out of the blue the ^*&&%$#^! 
frequency jumped up some 2-KHz, or so, then jumped back again, several times.

This is NOT what Ham radio is s'posed to be about, i.e. continually looking 
over one's shoulder for the proverbial axe to fall...like living under 
Damacle's sword for goodness' sake!

I'll cure this thing, or kill it completely...in which case there'll be a T-4X 
"...parts rig" listed for sale on this Reflector!   : >)

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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