
Thats the way I lernd it in the 60's two....


On 12/2/2011 1:23 AM, Jim Shorney wrote:
On Thu, 1 Dec 2011 01:00:06 -0800, Dennis Monticelli wrote:

The RF stage and Mixer plus associated filters.  Probably some folks would toss 
the LO in that grouping also.  Basically it refers to what is in front of the 
first IF.

I always considered it to be everything between the antenna input and the
mixer, but not including the mixer because it is, well, "the mixer". FWIW,
Wikipedia agrees with the above definition.




"It's an Earth food. They are called Swedish meatballs! It's a strange thing, but 
every sentient race has its own version of these Swedish meatballs! I suspect it's one of 
those great universal mysteries which will either never be explained, or which would 
drive you mad if you ever learned the truth!" - G'Kar, Babylon 5

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