Gents (and Ladies) -


I'm trying to align a very nice Drake 2-BQ and have a few questions:


1-      When I switch on the 2B, the 12AX7 in the 2-BQ glows very bright for
a second, then quickly fades to two tiny glows. Is this normal? The tube
diagram shows two filaments, but not sure about this burst of light at power

2-      Attempting to do the alignment procedure as provided in the 2B
manual; attempting to adjust L2 of the 2BQ to get a peak S-meter reading
does nothing - the meter doesn't go up or down. I've gone roughly a turn CW
and CCW from the initial position, and nothing. Any comments?

3-      Twice this has happened in the past ten hours of operation; after a
few hours, with the 2-BQ connected, the 2B seems to lose all sensitivity and
audio out. Moving the Preselector doesn't increase output noise, nor does
cranking the AF Gain full CW. If I switch off the 2B, unplug the 2-BQ, then
switch on the 2B, things return to normal. I have switched out all the
tubes; still happened.


All in all, both the 2B and 2-BQ seem to work great even with the above
concerns. Any help from the experienced would be greatly appreciated.





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