Have never experienced this and hope I never do.  These sweep tubes are getting 
too precious.

3-500's have much thicker glass than even 811A's, so I don't think it would be 
very easy to get a suck-out on one of those puppies.

I have seen the grid get shorted to the plate - usually as a result of an 
initial parasitic oscillation in the tube.  I've repaired lots of SB-220's and 
the problem is fairly common in them.  I've never heard of an L-4 or L-4B 
failing like this...

Steve, W1ES/4

-----Original Message-----
>From: Richard Knoppow <1oldle...@ix.netcom.com>
>Sent: Dec 22, 2011 1:26 PM
>To: Eddy Swynar <deswy...@xplornet.ca>, Curt <cptc...@flash.net>
>Cc: drakelist@zerobeat.net
>Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Speaking of breaking Glass...
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Eddy Swynar" <deswy...@xplornet.ca>
>To: "Curt" <cptc...@flash.net>
>Cc: <drakelist@zerobeat.net>
>Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 10:08 AM
>Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Speaking of breaking Glass...
>On 2011-12-22, at 12:54 PM, Curt wrote:
>> All looks ok EXCEPT..the one tube that was bright has a 
>> small suck-hole thru the side of it.  It got so hot, the 
>> glass melted and a hole was sucked thru the side without 
>> breaking the rest of the tube.  YIKES>
>Hi Curt,
>That happened to me one time here, too, only the 
>circumstances were a bit different...
>I had a brand new pair of 811A tubes in my 500-watt 
>amplifier, & had just purchased a Yaesu FT-980. I got so 
>enamoured with my being able to "...raise the average talk 
>power" of my SSB signal by virtue of the new rig's speech 
>processor that after about 5, or so, DX QSOs on 20-meters, 
>the fuse in the amp's power supply popped. I replaced it 
>with a new one, and again, it blew...
>So I took off the amplifier's covert & examined the new 
>tubes...and lo & behold, there was a tiny pin hole in the 
>envelope of one. I guess my speech processor raised the 
>plate dissipation of those jugs as well as my "...average 
>talk power", to the point that the one tube got so hot the 
>glass had softened, & the vacuum was sucked out!
>I've never used a speech processor since that time.
>~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
>    Eimac featured this effect when they began selling 
>ceramic tubes. They showed a picture of a glass tube with a 
>suck-hole in the side and a ceramic operated under the same 
>conditions that did not. I think they said the suck hole was 
>the result of electron bombardment of the tube at high 
>frequencies but its possible that any inclusion or weak spot 
>in the glass could do it. I've had tubes crack from 
>overheating but have never had a suck-out.
>Richard Knoppow
>Los Angeles
>Drakelist mailing list

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