Hi Bob:

I have done a few RTTY contests with the T4XA and B and run them much harder than that. FSK is fixed level, tonal without the type of peaks that make metering audio difficult.

I run it as hard as the tune and CW levels for plate current.

Garey and Don have a lot of experience with REAL hardcore RTTY so they can verify my thoughts. (or shoot my lights out :)

RTTY is fun..even with a SC program. I completed LOTW WAS for RTTY in one event. (and about 40 countries) Barefoot with the twins and a wire.

Hope this helps..


On 1/4/2012 6:08 PM, Robert Fish wrote:
I have been thinking about using my C-line for the RTTY contest this weekend. How do I set the transmit audio (gain) level. Do I set it the same as SSB where the peaks are about 150ma? I am not set up here for FSK, so its going to be a sound card affair.
Any general advice for C-line RTTY?


Bob  K6GGO

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