Hi Don:

Well..OK....yes...but that isn't the fault of the software OR the mode...just a dumbass operator that can't figure it out!! Ya gotta be smarter than the hammer if you know what I mean.

Same guys that crank the snot out of the system using PSK and end up being a KHz wide.

You never heard either of those from my MMSTTY-T4X system. Theoretically, the MMSTTY SW will zero beat closer than the drake twins can--But you have to have that NET/ AFC stuff off.

So I will preface my remarks with no difference in PROPERLY OPERATED methods.

You are right as usual tho... ;)


On 1/5/2012 1:56 PM, Don Cunningham wrote:
How could anyone possibly tell the difference between FSK and the SSB/AFSK equal? Well, let's start with being off frequency all the time because the default on MMTTY and other programs is that #$*& crap they call "ATC" I think. Whenever anyone answers me so far off I have to use RIT, that's what they are doing. Then, there are the SEVERELY overdriven audio circuits making the audio tones splatter about 4 kc wide. Should I continue?????? You WILL see it all on any contest weekend.
Rant off, and back to my hole.

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