Garey, you were right, as usual.

I pulled the 2.4k filter out of the R-4C (late prod).  I am hoping I can get it 
back in, as it's definitely microsurgery!

After liberating the filter, I checked the continuity of the wiring - 
connectivity is fine through both switch wafers.

So I wired up the filter with some short hook-up wire (you can't just plug into 
any of the accessory sockets due to the studs for the GND connections) and 
plugged it into the .25 filter bay.  The additional insertion loss is gone!

Getting this back in its place is going to be a workout.  I'm figuring at this 
point that we had a bad connection - but I've got a nagging feeling the problem 
will be back when I reinstall the filter.  Still - this is a better place to be 
right now than holding a $100+ replacement and discovering I didn't need it.


Steve Wedge, W1ES/4

"I can't complain, but sometimes I still do."
- Joe Walsh

If the above message appears, it came from Steve's Son of Laptop!
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