On Sat, 30 Jun 2012 13:35:41 -0400, KR4HV wrote:

>Are there any documents that compile or  list the "must do" vs. "should do" 
>vs. "very nice to do" upgrades/changes and modifications for the TR-7?

Yes and no. The list archive can be your friend, most mods have been discussed
pretty thoroughly. Web site wb4hfn.com has some excellent articles, and also
look for the GW4ALG and PA0CMU mods pages (but don't go nuts with mods). And,
of course, the Drakelist home page. If there's a specific mod that strikes your
fancy, ask about it. My page on the 2nd IF/Audio board is a good read, although
still a work in progress: 


Do re-seat all the plug-in cards. Do replace the filter electrolytic on the
power supply board. Do the 10V adjustment, frequency, and AGC (if the 10V was
very far off) adjustments in the service manual, or if nothing else, do the
fixed passband adjusments. If the PTO lamp has ever been replaced, you can just
about guarantee that one or more of those pots was bumped. Upgrading them to
10-turn trimmers is a worthwhile mod. There's been some debate about ALC mods
lately, but I don't seem to have the ALC overshoot that others have seen. I
need to get back on that.... Do put a fan on the back, pulling air out, if you
don't have one already. If you're a CW op, do look at K8AC's fine tuning of the
CW waveshape. K8AC and I have both done some recent work in the S-Meter area,
but we may both arguably just have too much time on our hands...

Don't use the published Drake allband transmit mod, there's a better way.
Again, check list the archives (and the Drakelist Online Forum). Don't use a
preamplified mic. Don't set the ALC adjustment (bottom side of rig) for more
than 150 Watts CW output, some ops prefer less. Don't freak if the RX appears
to be dead, there's an internal jumper that will have been cut if the rig was
slaved with an R-7 in a previous life. Remember that this rig has no speech
processing built in, so average power on SSB will appear lower than on modern
rigs - use the ALC light to determine proper drive level.

>Or should I just try to search all the posts for the info, like newer board 
>versions etc.?

Yes. There's lots of stuff out there about mixers, Schottky diodes, DDS VFOs,
DSP, whatever. Some of it good, some debatable, some bad or not worthwhile. You
can spend hours sniffing it all out (I did :) ). Google (or Ixquick, if you're
paranoid) can be your friend. Also recommended is the DrakeRadio Yahoo group.
There's not much in the way of newer board versions that offer any real
advantage that I know of, and at least one ham that I know of has found the
version 1 2nd IF/Audio board to be preferable.

Have fun!



“There’s something out of place – let’s go and poke it with a stick.” – The 
Doctor (Amy’s Choice episode)

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