Hi Group  I recently obtained a Sherwood upgraded R4C (SN 22xxx), the only 
Sherwood upgrade it doesn't have is the 2K Upper & Lower SSB filters. It 
performs very well but it has one oddity.

When in  SSB mode and the PBT is adjusted Upper & Lower end of travel it varies 
the S-Meter from S6 middle center PBT to S1 either PBT endpoint. On CW using 
the 1.5Khz, 500Hz or 250Hz it works like it should or what I'm accustom to.

I've corrected many small problems by treating grounds and filter sockets, tube 
sockets from the topside........bottom side next.  It just seems like I'm 
getting allot of white noise or bleed through from somewhere to cause the SSB 
mode oddity.

Question?  How can it tell if this has the T7C version xfrmer??

These Sherwood upgrades were done 20+ yrs ago and this nice condition R4C has 
sat unused for many years.

Perhaps all is typical as I don't have another to compare to.

Best 73

Bill KB9IV
Drakelist mailing list

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