Hi Norm,
It sounds to me that maybe the carrier oscillator is a bit off freq. It can be adjusted, there's a procedure in the manual, or it can be done by ear, listening to the pitch of the background noise as you switch sidebands and adjusting the trimmer to make them sound the same.

Al, W8UT

"There is nothing -- absolutely nothing -- half so much
worth doing as simply messing about in boats"
Ratty, to Mole

On 2/11/2013 8:49 AM, Norman Davis wrote:
I  refurbished my AC-4 power supply, which was a success. All proper
voltages present and accounted for in the right places.  I fired up my
TR-4CW and all bands except 80 meters seem to work satisfactorily,
though I think sensitivity is not up to par.

When switched to 80/75 meters, the audio sounds as if it is passing
through an extremely narrow filter. Speech is unintelligible with an
extremely tinny quality. I switched in the CW filter for comparison, but
audio through it was an improvement, although minor.

Has anyone encountered this problem and have a solution for it?

Norm Davis

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