Looking for few part for my new Drake components - (TR-4C w/ 34-PNB
TR-4Cw, RV-4C, 2ea AC-4, DC-4, MN-4, MS-4, Shure 444D, Astatic Noice
Cancelling hand mic)  New to the BoatAnchor world, like the nostalgia of

Need the following: MN-4 Push to Set-Release for VSWR Knob,  MN-4 3ea
Ceramic Reactive Isolator / Mounts, DC-4 power cable (Supply to Radio
cable), 4 sets of rubber feet for cabinets.

Haven't put the TXCr on the air yet until I have the power supply run up on
a variack!  So I have the following questions; How good is the RV-4C
speaker compared to the MS-4, how well does the 34-PNB work and what do I
gain with the RV-4C?

Also need to know who is the most reasonable, reliable and does good
repair, cleaning and alignment work?


Tony - N4TGR
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