Hi all

I am trying to get my head around the quorum-control features within drbdmanage,

I have deliberately crashed my cluster, and spun up one node, and as
expected I am unable to get drbdmanage to start due to the lack of

I was under the impression that I should have been able to override
the quorum state and get the drbdmanaged process online using DBUS /
manually calling the service, but am drawing a blank..

for the sake of this example it is a 2 node cluster node1 is online
and node2 is still powered off,

[root@node1]# drbdmanage quorum-control --override ignore node2
Modifying quorum state of node 'node2':
Waiting for server: ...............
Error: Startup not successful (no quorum? not *both* nodes up in a 2
node cluster?)
Error: Startup not successful (no quorum? not *both* nodes up in a 2
node cluster?)

Any advice?




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