Thanks for clarifying this ...


On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 12:30 PM, Roland Kammerer <
> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 03, 2017 at 12:05:50PM +0100, Yannis Milios wrote:
> > I think you have to use 'drbdmanage reelect' command to reelect a new
> > leader first.
> >
> > man drbdmanage-reelect
> In general that is a bad idea, and I regret that I exposed it as a
> subcommand and did not hide it behind a
> "--no-you-dont-want-that-unless-you-are-rck" where it then sill asks you
> to prove the Riemann hypothesis before continuing...
> > On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 2:12 PM, Jason Fitzpatrick <
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hi all
> > >
> > > I am trying to get my head around the quorum-control features within
> > > drbdmanage,
> > >
> > > I have deliberately crashed my cluster, and spun up one node, and as
> > > expected I am unable to get drbdmanage to start due to the lack of
> > > quorum,,
> > >
> > > I was under the impression that I should have been able to override
> > > the quorum state and get the drbdmanaged process online using DBUS /
> > > manually calling the service, but am drawing a blank..
> > >
> > > for the sake of this example it is a 2 node cluster node1 is online
> > > and node2 is still powered off,
> > >
> > > [root@node1]# drbdmanage quorum-control --override ignore node2
> > > Modifying quorum state of node 'node2':
> > > Waiting for server: ...............
> > > Error: Startup not successful (no quorum? not *both* nodes up in a 2
> > > node cluster?)
> > > Error: Startup not successful (no quorum? not *both* nodes up in a 2
> > > node cluster?)
> > >
> > > Any advice?
> Bring back the second node. In two node clusters that is the only clean
> way to bring back the cluster. If you want quorum, get >=3 nodes.
> Period. In two node clusters both have to be up. "reelect" is a last
> resort command for the absolute worst case to bring up a 2 node cluster
> where only one node survived and the other one is gone beyond repair.
> "reelect" with a forced win alters internal state to make that possible.
> It does not revert that internal state if, for whatever reason the
> second node then shows up again. You would have to restart the "reelect"
> node to get it then in a sane internal state again.
> tl;tr: If you want quorum: >=3 nodes. Don't use "reelect" to force wins.
> Regards, rck
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