I am testing a three node DRBD 9.0.9 setup using packages I built for CentOS7. I am using the latest drbdmanage and drbd-utils versions. If I lose the data on the resources, it is fine (I am only testing) but I was wanting to learn how to manage (if possible) the mess that I have just caused :)

Two nodes were working fine; let's call them node1 and node2.

When I attempted to add node3, without storage, it failed. This is something I will worry about later.

I managed to put node1 into a state where it had pending actions that I could not remove, so decided to remove the node and then re-add it. Rather naively I did not check and the DRBD resources were all role:primary on node1. Now node1 is in a state "pending: remove" and I cannot in any way seem to add it back to the cluster. If I use list-assignments, I can see that the resources all have pending actions "decommission" against node1. I am quite clear that DRBD is doing exactly what I asked it to do, and it also looks as though it is protecting me from my own mistakes somewhat (since the underyling DRBD resources appear to be OK).

I would like to ensure that the data that is in the resources on node1 is synchronised with node2 before doing anything else. At present, all the node1 resources are showing as "UpToDate" and "connecting" and the node2 resources are showing as "Outdated" and they are not attempting to reconnect to node1.

Is there a way to force them to connect to node1 to resynchronise before I continue?

Many thanks,

Martyn Spencer

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