--- Comment #11 from smoki <smoki00790 at> ---
 Maybe i need to explain that :). What i am talking there is that PTTM game
supports different reder paths: GL1X, ARB, NV1X, NV2X, R2XX and ARB2.
When you started that game it query for extensions, select the best but in
settings also let you choose some different if available. Of course  NV1X, NV2X
and R2XX paths are not supported by radeonsi and thase are not listed.  So i
have there so called ARB2 by default which shows a bug, so i tried ARB and GL1X
these also shows a bug.

 Now i tried next game in the series 18 Wheels of Steel American Long Haul,
that supports these and some more NV3X and NV4X, but that is for nvidia so not
That game shows the same bug with ARB, ARB1 paths but now works with ARB2 :) -
that is the only render path which does not have this bug. And why, in PTTM
ARB2 query only for fragment program extension, but in ALH it query for both
vertex and fragment program extension.

 So what i am saying there is, bug is not there when game use both, but bug is
there in any different situation when both are not used :).

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