On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 10:46 AM, Alex Deucher <alexdeucher at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dave is on vacation at the moment, so please pull these fixes directly.
> Just a few minor things for 4.2:

So I've pulled this, but I'm noticing a very alarming pattern in your
pull requests: the commits are clearly generated just before the
request, and have presumably had basically no testing at all. S

Gaah. I should have marked some of my longer emails on best git
practices. Maybe somebody else bookmarked them>

Are you constantly rebasing? If so, why?

I presume that this is your normal behavior, and it's just that Dave
has never tried to correct that workflow. I've written about a million
emails about proper git flow, so I'm only exposed to this directly now
that Dave is on vacation. I notice that the whole "commits generated
just before pull request" seems to have been true for the last pull
request too (tip of your tree: Wed Aug 5 14:26:50 2015, email asking
me to pull: Wed,  5 Aug 2015 16:42:21).

Maybe these commits had testing somewhere else. It's definitely not
obvious from the pull requests and the git history, though.


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