On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 5:41 PM, Russell King - ARM Linux
<linux at arm.linux.org.uk> wrote:

> I've just tried this (the HBi1 was booted previously with the HDMI socket
> disconnected).  Just now, I turned the TV on, and then connected it to
> the HDMI.

Thanks for testing it.

> The TV reported a resolution of 1024x768, and the kernel log was silent.

That's the point that makes me confused: shouldn't it report a higher
resolution like 1080p?

Why only 1024x768 even if the monitor supports higher resolution?

If we boot with the cable connected then it jumps to 1080.

> My guess would be that your HDMI sink is reporting slightly non-standard
> 1024x768 timings, which cause the IPU restrictions to be violated.  Maybe
> dumping the EDID of the HDMI device would reveal this?
> # edid-decode < /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid
> might provide some hints?

Thanks, will try it. Need to install this edid package in my rootfs.

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