On 8/17/20 8:18 AM, Brian Starkey wrote:
Hi Ezequiel,

On Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 02:22:46PM -0300, Ezequiel Garcia wrote:
This heap is basically a wrapper around DMA-API dma_alloc_attrs,
which will allocate memory suitable for the given device.

The implementation is mostly a port of the Contiguous Videobuf2
memory allocator (see videobuf2/videobuf2-dma-contig.c)
over to the DMA-BUF Heap interface.

The intention of this allocator is to provide applications
with a more system-agnostic API: the only thing the application
needs to know is which device to get the buffer for.

Whether the buffer is backed by CMA, IOMMU or a DMA Pool
is unknown to the application.

I'm not really expecting this patch to be correct or even
a good idea, but just submitting it to start a discussion on DMA-BUF
heap discovery and negotiation.

My initial reaction is that I thought dmabuf heaps are meant for use
to allocate buffers for sharing across devices, which doesn't fit very
well with having per-device heaps.

For single-device allocations, would using the buffer allocation
functionality of that device's native API be better in most
cases? (Some other possibly relevant discussion at [1])

I can see that this can save some boilerplate for devices that want
to expose private chunks of memory, but might it also lead to 100
aliases for the system's generic coherent memory pool?

I wonder if a set of helpers to allow devices to expose whatever they
want with minimal effort would be better.

I'm rather interested on where this goes, as I was toying with using some sort of heap ID as a basis for a "device-local" constraint in the memory constraints proposals Simon and I will be discussing at XDC this year. It would be rather elegant if there was one type of heap ID used universally throughout the kernel that could provide a unique handle for the shared system memory heap(s), as well as accelerator-local heaps on fancy NICs, GPUs, NN accelerators, capture devices, etc. so apps could negotiate a location among themselves. This patch seems to be a step towards that in a way, but I agree it would be counterproductive if a bunch of devices that were using the same underlying system memory ended up each getting their own heap ID just because they used some SW framework that worked that way.

Would appreciate it if you could send along a pointer to your BoF if it happens!




Given Plumbers is just a couple weeks from now, I've submitted
a BoF proposal to discuss this, as perhaps it would make
sense to discuss this live?

Not-signed-off-by: Ezequiel Garcia <ezequ...@collabora.com>
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