--- Comment #6 from Vadim Girlin <> ---
Created attachment 79220
qapitrace screenshot

As far as I can see it's a bug in the QuesoGLC.
I'm attaching the screenshot of qapitrace with gl trace for the test9.2 and the
event filter "glBind|glTexIma|glTexSub|glNew|glEndList|glCall|glGen" applied to
show relevant calls.

Mesa reports the errors on the glTexSubImage2D calls because the texture is not
initialized yet (e.g. using glTexImage2D). Note that the test compiles the
display list first and uses glTexImage2D to initialize the texture, but
compiled display list is never called, instead the app basically repeats the
same sequence of calls without calling glTexImage2D first.

As far as I understand, mesa reports the errors correctly, and it's in fact the
bug in QuesoGLC.

By the way, there is another bug related to the issues with warzone 2100:

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